Kuniyuzuri (国譲り)


I’ve heard the word of “Kuniyuzuri”. This refers to a succession of a country in Japanese. Grrr.

You may be familiar with the following picture in Japanese myths.

This is quite complecated myth with lots of different story. But I tried to study in the simpliest way by omitting some parts. Grrr.



In ancient time, there are lots of gods including Amaterasu-Omikami, the most important, lived in a place called Takamagahara (高天原), which literally means “Plain of High Heaven” in Japanese. Saying that they are the ones who should rule Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni, some gods from Takamagahara were sent to the place where Okuninushi lived. This area refers to Izumo in Shimane Prefecture in Japan.

Incidentally, Amaterasu is the god deifying the sun and one of the most important gods that is said as the origin of the current Japanese Imperial Family. Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni refers to the earthly land of Japan against Takamagahara where gods live. Like drawn in the following picture, it is said that there are 8 millions of gods in Takamagahara and these gods are called Amatsukami. Grrr.

Amaterasu sent some gods from Takamagahara to Izumo. However, this project was not so easy: Some gods changed their loyalty to Okuninushi and the other tried to be a king of Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni by marrying the daughter of Okuninushi.

Lastly, Takemikazuchi headed to Izumo and told Okuninushi “Amaterasu says her offsprings are supposed to rule this country.” Asked so, Okuninushi told Takemikazuchi to ask Kotoshironushi, one of his son. Kotoshironush got scared of Takemikazuchi and intended to obey. While Okuninushi is telling Takemikazuchi to ask for this issue to another son named Takemikata-no-kami, Takemikata came and said “What are you speaking in whispers? Let’s make a contest of strength.” Then the fighting started. Grrr.

Takemikazuchi overwhelmed Takemikata by using the powerful sword called “Futsu-no-mitama.” Chasing Takemikata, Takemikazuchi reached the country of Suwa (Nagano Prefecture).








いいね または フォローしてね!



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